
Our wonderful team of experts!

Dr. Mburugu P. Gitobu


Mr. P.G Mburugu is a consultant Urological Surgeon at the Aga Khan University Hospital and Kenyatta National Hospital. He obtained his MBChB from the University of Nairobi in 1993.

Dr. Samuel N.K. Waweru

Vice Chairman

Dr. Francis Osawa


Dr James Ikol Adung’o


Dr James Ikol Adung’o holds an MBchB and M.Med (surgery) degree from the University of Nairobi and ASEA fellowship in urology from KCMC Moshi Tanzania. He is currently a Lecturer Department of Human Anatomy, Kenyatta University, school of medicine. He is a member of Kenya Association of Urological Surgeons, Surgical Society of Kenya, Kenya Medical Association, Association of Surgeons of East Africa, Kenya Catholic Doctors Association and International Society of Urology(SIU). He is also a member of the SIU Academy Education Council.